Maintenance is very important!
Walls and filters of the pool must be clean and sanitized to keep water cristalclear. Mondo Acqua Piscine custumer service provides you a constant and professional treatment of the waters, spare parts, accessories and high quality products.
In order to verify if there is any possible loss or irregular decrease of the pool water, first of all we make an ispection of your pool and after that suggest you the best solutions to restore the right functioning.
Our service also includes: cleaning check-ups, ordinary maintenance, water readings, and more the substitution of any worn out component like grids, overflow channels, skimmer heads, lights and lamps, steps and ladders.
We deal with the seasonal change as well, such as removing the winter covering (with the possibility of keeping it safe somewhere else if the owner can’t manage to deposite it). We check-up on the cleaners and control units, provide spare parts and have at your disposal the complete range of products for water treatment. Keep in mind that for both the ordinary and the extraordinary maintenance you are going to need a professional assistance.
In addition to water keeping, another important task is that of the inner coating cleaning process, which is needed to avoid the proliferation of algae and bacteria as well as to protect water from air pollution (e.g. downpours, leaves and insects).
Besides you are going to do the periodic opening and closing operations, that require attention and high skills in the management of the accessories and the chemical products use for the pool sanification.
Despite a good prevention, an unforeseen event can always occur: you will need extraordinary maintenance to face a sudden problem. For example water can happen to be cloudy, the filtering plant may go out of order, or an accesory may need to be replaced. So an extraordinary maintenance ensures your pool a restoration of the normal functionality. For any information Contuct Us.